Course Content
Elementor: A Complete Tutorial
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This video is embedded from Youtube and here’s the original one 

This video shows you how you can make flexpanels that open/close ON HOVER, but I also made a version where the panels open/close ON MOUSECLICK.
0:07 What we are going to make
1:00 STEP 1 | Create the section (flexpanels)
1:55 STEP 2 | Create the panel title (flexpanel__title)
2:51 STEP 3 | Add class and background to section column (flexpanel)
3:37 STEP 4 | Add the innersection (flexpanel__content)
4:22 STEP 5 | Add content to the innersecton
5:53 STEP 6 | Name your layers in the navigation window
6:50 STEP 7 | Copy/paste CSS and watch the magic happen!
7:55 Modify content via the navigator
10:38 Modify content , quick u0026 dirty way
12:35 Keep flexpanels active on mobile too

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