Graphic Design Fundamentals
About Lesson

This video is embedded from Youtube and here’s the original one.
To communicate visually, you have to understand how humans absorb visual information. A problem with visually designed content is that people too often create visuals for the camera and not for humans. It may surprise you to know that people do not process images like a camera. Your brain has a 2% field of vision vs. the 180% field of view of the camera. The camera’s large field of view means that it’s able to get all the information in front of it in one go. Visual design principles tell us the human eye processes visual content by rapid eye movements called Saccades. Saccades are when the eye is quickly moving around an environment grabbing small pieces of information to build the bigger picture. Your brain thinks it sees a complete image, but in reality, it’s absorbing small pieces of it. So the question is HOW does visual design for the human eye? Or more importantly; how do we create content that will encourage people to take the action we want?
That’s exactly what I’m going to go through in this video:
You’ll learn:
1. How to establish your focal point for the reader
2. How to differentiate between areas of importance
3. You’ll also learn how patterns are your friend
4. The effect of simplifying your focus
5. And finally, you’ll learn how to create subtle interactivity that draws the reader towards key areas of your content.”
00:00 Intro
02:26Creating content for human consumption
03:16 Contrast
04:29 Doing a real exercise
06:16 Patterns
08:54 Create interactivity


Read a case study of how visual design principles work here.

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